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Step 2: Package the Gitea Helm Chart

Next, get the sample Gitea Helm chart from Bitnami. Add the Replicated SDK as a dependency of the chart, then package the chart into a .tgz archive. The purpose of this step is to prepare the Helm chart to be added to a release.

The Replicated SDK is a Helm chart that can be optionally added as a dependency of your application Helm chart. The SDK is installed as a small service running alongside your application, and provides an in-cluster API that you can use to embed Replicated features into your application. Additionally, the Replicated SDK provides access to insights and telemetry for instances of your application installed with the Helm CLI.

To add the Replicated SDK and package the Helm chart:

  1. Run the following command to pull and untar version 1.0.6 of the Bitnami Gitea Helm chart:

    helm pull --untar oci:// --version 1.0.6

    For more information about this chart, see the bitnami/gitea repository in GitHub.

  2. Change to the new gitea directory that was created:

    cd gitea
  3. View the files in the directory:


    The directory contains the following files:

    Chart.lock  Chart.yaml  charts  templates  values.yaml
  4. In the Chart.yaml file, add the Replicated SDK as a dependency:

    # Chart.yaml
    - name: replicated
    repository: oci://
    version: 1.0.0-beta.29

    For the latest version information for the Replicated SDK, see the replicated-sdk repository in GitHub.

  5. Update dependencies and package the Helm chart to a .tgz chart archive:

    helm package . --dependency-update

    If you see a 401 Unauthorized error message, log out of the Replicated registry by running helm registry logout and then run helm package . --dependency-update again.

Next Step

Create a release using the Helm chart archive. See Step 3: Add the Chart Archive to a Release.